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Freedom is not an Experience

Freedom is not an experience. It is not dependent on how you feel—good or bad. It is not even dependent on recognizing your essential nature at all times. It is knowing without a doubt and being convinced that who you are, essentially, is free.

Up till now in life, you have trusted your experiences, especially thoughts and emotions, to indicate how you are doing. This is just how you were taught.

It is a matter of just ignoring all of those thoughts and emotions because you know that you are free. And even if you are not convinced that you are free, just keep ignoring them anyway and keeping noticing your essential, aware nature, while they are appearing. This will convince you.

Try this experiment during your day.

No matter what appears, pleasant or unpleasant, 
don't attend to it.

Just don't attend to how you are feeling, whether good or bad.
Place no value on it either way.


For a moment, notice that you are aware,
not only aware of the feelings,
but aware of everything that is appearing, here and now.

The feelings are just one appearance 
in millions of appearances 
all happening now.

They are all appearing to you.   
Your essential nature is aware.

Aware of all of it.

Don't focus on or attend to how you are feeling.

Let attention be free and open,
and see that all is included,
and see that your experience is not limited
to a particular emotional state.

In doing so, you will begin to notice that you are free.

Whether you feel good or bad,
you are freely aware.

Attend to that, your essential,
free, aware nature. 

By abiding as such,
and doing so at all times, 
you will become convinced
that you are free.

Next Post: Knowing

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