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LIVE 10 DAY INTENSIVES in Tiruvannamalai, India


Come to Tiruvannamalai at the foot of Mount Arunachala and immerse yourself for an extended time in the work of freedom. It is a truly life-changing opportunity to be together with me and many beautiful friends, who are all engaged in the paradigm shift that this work is. Mount Arunachala is a very powerful place for this life-changing paradigm shift to happen.



What we will do together on the intensives:
- Explore and experience deeply the silent, peaceful ground of your being.
- Become a true baktha, devoted to freedom and peace, which is already who you are. It is the key to liberation.
- Dismantle the egoic concept of freewill and doership. This is the end of ego.
- Come to the full circle, non-dual reality that you are.


- Ease of being in your lived experience
- Far less contraction and resistance to life
- Far less or no judgement of yourself and others
- Much more compassion for yourself, your loved ones and everyone else
- Less or no need to control yourself or life 
- Far less fear, worry and concern
- More love and harmony in your life and relationships 
- The end of seeking in the world or in spirituality for peace and relief 
- The end of the need for meaning and just simply living this life, as it is
- Less or no arguing with yourself or the world 
- It is the peace that passes understanding, but that can be known, by you. 

In freedom, life becomes very simple. Peace, fulfilment and happiness are your nature. 

Please read and review everything below thoroughly.

DATES: 2024-2025

Intensive 1 - December 18 - 28 (this intensive is dependant on the amount of people who plan to come)
- Freedom Meetings in between intensives
Intensive 2 - January 5 - 15 (this intensive is CONFIRMED)
- Freedom Meetings in between intensives
Intensive 3 – January 26 – February 5 (this intensive is CONFIRMED)
- Freedom Meetings in between intensives
Intensive 4 - February 16 - 26 (this intensive is dependant on the amount of people who plan to come)


You can join one, two or all three intensives. No one who comes leaves unchanged. 


9 AM -11 Listening to the daily audios recorded during the inquiry and Q&A meetings

11 AM - 1 PM Inquiry session with Sal

1 - 3 Lunch break

3 - 4 Listening to audios

4 - 5 Q&A with Sal

Sal is there during the listening sessions also to meet privately with people who want to ask a question. 



We will also be recording videos of the intensives for people who are not be able to travel here. They will be available to stream on our web portal. They will not be live streamed, but available shortly after each session. People who do attend in person will also be able to access them.



For complete information, pricing and sign-up: INTENSIVE INFO

If you have any questions about the intensive, please contact us: CONTACT


During the Intensive

- 10 full days of immersive inquiry with Sal 
- The possibility of two full months with Sal and friends (spending the two full months here and joining all three intensives is a powerful, amazing time.)
- Daily inquiry sessions and Q&A sessions with Sal
- Online streamed videos and audios for all of the sessions during and after the intensive.
- Freedom Meetings (these are casual hangouts with Sal and friends held between the intensives)
- Invitation to join the Intensive Whatsapp group to stay in touch with other people coming, while here and after. And to connect with people who have already been here on an intensive. They will be happy to share their experience with you.


After the Intensive 

- Ongoing support to help to you live freedom in your daily life
- Invitation to join the Lions Den, a group of friends who meet on Zoom every other Saturday to ask Sal questions, clear up doubts or just to be together in freedom.  There is no charge for the Lions Den
- Invitation to the Lions Den Online Community, where you can connect with other people engaged in this work, to share and be together in freedom. There is no charge for this either. Sal does not attend these meetings, they are for you to be with your new friends.


Traveling to India is not difficult. And, we will help you along your way with airport taxi, hotel or guest room, getting around while here, the best restaurants, money exchange, renting a scooter if you like, prepaid sim card if you like and everything else you will need to make your stay here easy and enjoyable. 
Our friend Garima will assist you all through your journey and help you find a good place to stay. She will answer any questions you have and help you get settled here and with anything you may need. 

If you have any questions about yoru trip and stay here, please contact Garima: gracegrace75@gmail.com She will be happy to help you

There are no Covid requirments to enter India - no PCR test, no proof of vaccine, no online form. And getting a 5-year mulitple entry E-Visa is simple, online. 


Click on the picture to see many photos
of friends and inhabitants of Tiru during an intensive.



Sal’s message is so clear, simple and profound. My life has changed since hearing it. The simple recognition of the glaringly obvious truth is pointed to in Sal’s unique way, very ordinary, with humour and in the most all-inclusive and compassionate way I’ve ever experienced. Truth, freedom, compassion, my simple words fall short, thank you dear Sal. Coming to India, being immersed in the work with amazing people has been such a gift. Before arriving and during my stay, there has been every support and taking care of anything I may need. The inquiries, questions and lovely relaxing listening sessions, with delicious chai on Sal and Bindu’s roof, gazing over to Mount Arunachala, is a safe and comforting space to hear the message of freedom. - ​​​Thank you Sal and Bindu! Lots of love, Andrea

You know last night I didn't even want to go to sleep I was enjoying just being alive so much. I woke up this morning, sat on my bed for like an hour, not needing or wanting anything other than what's happening and it's like in every breath, in every sensation this welling up of peace just fills and informs everything. I know that's just experience of peace but I don't care to even discredit it as an "experience" because it's just love. There's so much happiness even in pain. Sal seriously, I'm so amazed I just keep crying because I'm so content. - Erica

"Just to say a big THANK YOU for your work! The intensive has been a fantastic journey for me! I don’t know if you remember my words at the beginning of the intensive: “it could not be any better “ and you replied to me: “ it will get better” ! You were absolutely RIGHT! I am ready for the play of Leela because I know that I am it.
So grateful! Thank you again!" - 
Love , Jean-Yves



For complete information, pricing and sign-up: INTENSIVE INFO

If you have any questions about the intensive, please contact us: CONTACT

Partial need-based scholarships and payment plans will be available.


Two of our friends speaking about being in Tiruvannamalai on an intensive