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Being Authentic

I had a question. It revolves around no chooser, no doer. During our sessions, we talked a bit about being compelled to do something.  What's coming up for me is the distinction between being compelled to do something and old programming, or old tapes that have been installed in the hard drive.  There’s a confusion about being authentic and authentic action.  How do I know if something I do is authentic action or if it based on some programming I received somewhere?

Who said anything about authentic action?

You had said on one of the audios, “The more that you hang out here and be authentic . . . 

By authentic, I mean the more your intention is for truth and being finished.  That is being authentic. Your intention is authentic, in that sense. As far as authentic action, that's a spiritual concept. I have no idea about anything like that. Right action or right behavior, I know nothing about any of that.

I just mean, if you're serious about this work and genuine (genuinely interested in truth), then you can't fail. I suppose you could be genuine and authentic about whatever, say making millions of dollars. You can be authentic for anything and “authentic” can sound like a value judgment, like “He's not being authentic.” It doesn't actually mean that.  If you're genuinely interested in truth, then you can't fail.

In my experience, this work I share works when someone is genuinely engaged in it. That's why at the beginning of working with someone, I ask them to stop doing other spiritual teachings while we're working together.

Some people are spiritual hobbyists. I got a letter from someone a couple of days ago, and she wanted to do the inquiries.  In my letter back I said (as I do with everyone), “if you're currently engaged in any other spiritual practices or teachings, please finish that work first because this work is the end.” She wrote back and told me how she had many, many retreats she was planning on attending. I told her that if she got tired of all that, she could write me back. That's not, in my view, being authentic. That's a spiritual hobbyist who’s saying, “Let me try a little bit of this and a little bit of that.” They are at a smorgasbord trying to get this experience and that knowledge. There is nothing wrong with it. That's fine, but this work is effective for people who are finished with all of that.  They're done! They're authentically interested in truth. They're not interested in continuing to be spiritually entertained. So, in that sense, yes, I use the word “authentic.”

If you're authentic, then you don't know the answer. You know you want to come to know what's true. You authentically really want to know what's true. I would always go to one teacher and stay for a while and work. Nevertheless, I saw a lot of teachers. So, I know the spiritual marketplace where you go from one teaching to another and I know it doesn't work. It's not possible.

At some point, you get fed up. I mean really fed up. You give up and ask, “What is the end? What is it?” When you're in that position, you're authentically interested. Then, it's very possible for some work like this to be helpful. But, if you come and do this work for a while and then sit on retreat with one teacher after another, it does not ultimately help. It works when getting so frustrated you become ready to jump.

Next Post: Merging the Personal Feeling 'I am' with the Infinite 'I'

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