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Synchronicity or Random Chaos

It seems like there must be some reason why things happen. For example, when I meet someone who seems so familiar, there seems to be some kind of connection or something. So, is life just random chaos or is there predestination?

The funny thing is, when something like that happens, we immediately filter it through the belief we hold the most, such as, “I met this person and she seemed so familiar, I must have known her in a past life.” That is a big leap, isn’t it? It’s just an assumption based on a belief, which is not known to be true at all.

But there does seem to be some kind of causality, Jung calls it synchronicity. I am just trying to figure out how things happen. It’s just too much like things are connected for it to be random chaos. Is this philosophical?

Yes. If there was a real answer to those questions, it would be in all the books already. Then you could have an intellectual understanding and the question would be solved. The reason it is not in the books is because there’s really no answer. Or, if there is, we have no way of knowing. I say, the answer to that question, as with all philosophical questions, is when that question no longer appears. 

Let’s have a holiday together.


Here and now, this knowing is present, right?

This knowing that is aware is not separate from you, is it?

It is essential to who you are.

There is only now,
and now, whatever is, is.

Without going into your mind of questions,
just looking here and now,
does this, now, have some meaning?

Here and now, look.

This knowing, what is, is.

There is nothing behind the curtain.


If you see this, then you see that what is, only is. You see there is no past and no future. This now didn’t come from somewhere. It only is, here and now. If there is no past, then what is now, is appearing now, only. Whatever happens (like a meeting with someone), if you don’t go into the mind to try to understand why, it simply is what is. Freedom is in this. It is the end of looking for the meaning because it is a moot point; the reason has never been found before.

You can go into why I met this person or why this happened, and the synchronicity, but really you are just going back into the philosophical carousel. What I share—freedom—is radical. It is no-thing. You don’t get answers to those questions. That is why it is for people who are mature and just happy to be, and for people who do not need answers to unanswerable questions.

In the absence of beliefs, we become very comfortable in knowing nothing. When we want only what we can actually know (which is very little), we see philosophical questions such as, “Where did I come from? Where am I going? What is the meaning of life? What will happen after I die? Why did I meet that person?”, are unanswerable. If we are reconciled with that fact, we are at ease in not knowing and no longer needing to know. Then these questions don’t arise. This is freedom from beliefs.

Next Post: Being Human, Here and Now

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