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The Audacity of Freedom

The Audacity of Freedom

An intimate account of a spiritual seeker, The Audacity of Freedom takes the reader on an amazing journey from Sal’s early childhood of being turned away from God, his ensuing life as a rock musician and through all of his travels to India and elsewhere, meeting and living with genuine masters, having mystical experiences and revelations and finally to the simple recognition of that which has always been here, freedom.

This book can help you along your own path of discovery. Compelling, exciting and revelatory, you will not be able to put this book down.

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Blown Wide Open — A Collection of Holidays

Blown Wide Open — A Collection of Holidays

A Holiday is being blown wide open, knowing who you are, being who you are. It is both the goal of freedom and the way of liberating your mind  from fear, doubt, suffering, delusion and seeking. It is the goal, in that, a Holiday reveals the truth that freedom is your natural human condition, here and now. And it is the way in that, continuing to be on Holiday resolves the tendencies that cause suffering and doubt, and brings an end to seeking, anything.

This is a beautiful exquisite sharing of the simplicity of being free now. I love it! Read a little very day and your life will transform for the better. You are always already free. You may want to notice that and you will if you go on holiday with Sal. - Tom Thompson, The Awakened Heart Center for Conscious Living

Sal's latest book is the best book I've read on Non duality yet! Nothing but pure pointers all the way through this book. He takes you through each pointer and then gives you time to reflect and see what's being pointed to which is really powerful. I can't recommend this book highly enough, it deserves 10 stars!


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Blown Wide Open — A Collection of Holidays AUDIO BOOK

Blown Wide Open — A Collection of Holidays AUDIO BOOK

Now available on Amazon, Audible, Acx, iTunes.
It's 5 hours of Sal narrating the 39 holidays from the book.


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Liberation IS, The End of the Spiritual Path

Liberation IS, The End of the Spiritual Path

This book is the end for those who are ready to be finished seeking. Through inquiries and experiments, you are guided to recognize your free essential being, and what is revealed in that recognition is that you are whole and complete, lacking nothing, exactly as you are now. When this is clearly seen and becomes doubtless, seeking ends naturally, by itself. 

This book is clear concise, simple and yet very profound. Just when you think you are going to read another ‘spiritual book’ to gain enlightment, this book leads you to the place there it is all happening and doesn’t let you go anywhere else. If you feel ready to find what you have been looking for, the author lets you see where it is exactly. Sal is a caring person, without ego, who is truly gifting his awareness of what is true so that you can come to the end of your searching and enjoy the richness that everyday life has to offer. I have personally gained so much from reading this book and his other book. This book is the best investment you will ever make in yourself if you are willing to work with it. - Amazon Reader

Just do exactly what Sal says and the questions are over. Truly. Just do it.All the work pays off. An amazing author who has the gift of being able to reach people and teach them. If you are ready. - Amazon Reader

This is different from other books. Sal is gifted with an ability to clearly guide the seeker who is ready, to a shift of knowing. This is a workbook, not a quick read, as the reader is asked to go back again, and again, and repeat the inquiries and experiments until they are clear. His approach is uncompromising and radical, but simple. For me, it works. I was frustrated with spiritual seeking, and felt I wasn't getting anywhere. Ready to give it up. Now I won't be needing to buy any more spiritual books. I'm content, and very grateful. - Amazon Reader

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The Way of Freedom, Conversations with Salvadore Poe

The Way of Freedom, Conversations with Salvadore Poe

In this follow up to Liberation IS, The End of the Spiritual Path, Sal speaks with people he has worked with intensively over the last several years to clear up any remaining questions and doubts. Liberations IS helped people recognize their free essential being. The Way of Freedom will help make that recognition doubtless.

After reading this book, I feel like an addictive gambler that finally hit the jackpot, only in this case, the jackpot would be never gambling again!! Finally, there's no more questions, no more seeking, no more drama, and no more doubts... the mind continues to generate thoughts and the body has feelings, but there isn't a care in the world. What a Glorious Relief, what Stark Emptiness, what Peace... much gratitude to Sal Poe's patient and relentless pointing to what is. - Amazon Reader

If you have not read Salvadore's first book, "Liberation Is," I suggest you get a copy. After reading everything I could get my hands on, I finally feel I am finally done with my search. This book is a question and answer follow up, and I strongly recommend you read them both. I feel this has all the answers to life's questions. - Amazon Reader

One of the best advaita books ever. Sal makes everything so easy and clear. - Amazon Reader

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