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I often receive letters from friends about their experience with this work. Here are some of them.

Thank you all


I have previously participated in a few online Intensives, however, coming to India and being immersed for 10 consecutive days, (two Intensives), has had a tremendous impact, especially in the beautiful setting that Sal & Bindu provided. The online Intensives were great, but doing the work here was extremely impactful. I have met some of the most beautiful people from all over the world, which I may have never met, and really come to know as dear friends, otherwise. I was obviously apprehensive, having never been in India, however, the people and the Indian culture are so beautiful, that I find myself not wanting to leave.  
TOM BURNS - January 2023 Tiru Intensive


"I feel so, so grateful, words really fall short but here are a few. 

Sal’s message is so clear, simple and profound, my life has changed since hearing it. The simple recognition of the glaringly obvious truth is pointed to in Sal’s unique way, very ordinary, with humour and in the most all inclusive and compassionate way I’ve ever experienced.  Truth, freedom, compassion, my simple words fall short, thank you dear Sal. 

Coming to India, being immersed in the work with amazing people has been such a gift. Before arriving and during my stay, there has been every support and taking care of anything I may need. The inquiries, questions and lovely relaxing listening sessions, with delicious chai on Sal and Bindu’s roof, gazing over to Mount Arunachala, is a safe and comforting space to hear the message of freedom. 

Thank you Sal and Bindu! 

Lots of love, Andrea"


It's a terrifyingly potent message, and the fact that it is delivered by one of the kindest humans I've met doesn't hurt either. -
BARINE - January, 2020 Participant


I have been blessed to have had a plethora of great psychology, philosophy, and spiritual teachers, but Sal is clearly the best.
DAVID - October 2021 Intensive


They say one has to suffer enough to awaken. I've been through a lot of spiritual suffering. But I didn't recognize that I was suffering then!!! Until I met Salvadore I was only half cooked with my realization that I am not the body but only awareness. This "realization" came along with judgements for my identity, for thoughts and emotions.

Having had a lot of Satoris, blissful moments and deep insights, these experiences always passed and I was always left with my ordinary being. Sometimes caught up in emotional conditioning and again judgements. A belief that it is superior to have spiritual experiences than just worldly experiences made me rather a hermit who had to reach somewhere. I was told by my master - being pulled with a carrot like a donkey - that this knowledge had to combust into spirit. But I never knew what that meant. I just had a wrong vision of how someone had to look whose knowledge had combusted into spirit. My person, Barbara, just remained. Only with a few more spiritual experiences and maybe even with more pride.

Was it only Salvadore who could show me the all-inclusive aspect of life. Who eradicated my judgements and showed me the ordinariness of life. Showed me that everything is included. By who this circle could become full. Who could make me see that these thoughts and emotions, and even emotional patterns, don't mean anything. That I'm here - no matter what is acted out on that stage. This act doesn't need to be changed, it doesn't have to be transcended or transformed. It's so fleeting anyway. My experience of life may be totally left to itself.

The interest to change any experience has fallen away. What is left is more truthfulness than when I was a spiritual seeker, aimlessly living life and enjoying true silence, which isn't subtle or deep. Silence with what is happening. Also, with what is happening in my mind. Nothing has changed. Mind is doing what it's doing. The judgement changed into an attitude of " not minding", being able to see that it's just the nature of mind to act like it does.

Was it only him who - in his utmost simplicity - ridded me of false imaginations of what Enlightenment has to look like? Who reunited me with that which I have always been. Nothing special, nothing spiritual, nothing to speak about. What is left is true gratitude to my own being. Not having to project any spiritual image into the world, and wanting to be loved for that.


I got what I came for. Liberation truly IS the end of the spiritual path.
NINA - October 2021 Intensive


I am absolutely doubtless that my seeking is over. Yes, I am free!!
KEN - June 2021 Intensive


I now know the truth of 'Be Still and Know that I Am God'. The intensive has confirmed to me what I know deep within.
NALINI - June 2021 Intensive


The last Lions Den call and your talk there was immense for me. Thank you a million times! Finally I've seen this enormous energy I experience as part of what is- me, and not something to get rid of, because it is enormous sometimes and feels very alien. But is just part of now-absolute, same as the tree in front of me. And there is love underlying everything.


Dear Sal,

I don't think I can thank you enough for your clarity and relentless pointing in Liberation Is & The Way of Freedom. After years of seeking, I'm finally done, in fact, I'm gone completely and this stark awareness just shines and shines and shines. The whole thing seems like a cosmic joke, that I could have spent so much money and time buying books and attending retreats and thinking I was so special. HAHAHA, what a fucking relief to be No-Thing and Now-Here (as was always the case, but just overlooked.) I have boxed up all of the spiritual books (an entire bookcase full) that I've bought over the years and am mailing them off to a retreat center that I once attended; although in all honesty I considered using them as fire starter and only sending your two books instead - LOL. I won't be attending an intensive or joining your online zoom meetings simply because it's not necessary. You are a true master, I'm headless now and appreciate your wisdom and guidance and am content to be what arises each moment.

With endless gratitude, thank you again!! Heather :)


Dear Sal,

I want to thank you so much for what you offer -- for the simplicity and beauty of your message and for the interactions we have had on the Zoom calls. Not to mention your completely open and casual style, demonstrating the truth of what you speak.

My life has changed drastically since I discovered you on youtube last August. Barely a morning has gone by where I have not been spending an hour in contemplation with, first, Liberation IS and then The Way of Freedom. Whenever I "read" The Way of Freedom I hear it on a deeper level; I would say I am actually really imbibing it in those moments. Now I have many holidays throughout the day and there is space between the "molecules" of sticky experiences, I guess I would phrase it.

It's amazing that while the words in the book seem simple, the impact is really very deep. And amazing that I still go deeper every day..

With much love, Susie


Sal, I've been waiting 60 years to hear the words you speak....THE END OF SEEKING AT LONG LAST

Seriously, the utter starkness and simplicity of your message deeply deeply resonates. FREEDOM

Your books are fabulous...almost finished with the 2nd one. Amazing how you say the same thing over and over in a slightly different way with each page. Love them. Sooo grateful Sequoia told me about you last summer.

Holidays are happening more and more frequently. (having one now in fact!)

Still struggling a bit with sponsoring women in AA and MA (marijuana) ...I don't know how to talk to them anymore!  All beliefs  had to go and even the belief in God/Higher Power is gone.  Poses difficulty with sponsoring and that's been "my main job" for 18 years!  Have stopped going to meetings.

I love the work you do and appreciate the bi-monthly open meetings. Sooo  grateful for you Sal. 


How do i know for sure -this is it?
Sometimes- i think i miss the drama
And yet - I'm afraid to lose this bliss.
Flitting from here to there,
Like a butterfly.
Looking here
Looking there
Everything seems so bare

More & more now:
Such an amazing state of dvaita and advaita all at the same time...
With my tears
With my fears
Each day is new
Each minute is it's own
Oh such beauty
And such Bliss
Whether topsy
Or turvy
Everything just is
All I needed was this!

Just Settled into myself .

Today, after listening to the March 16th Lions Den  I realised something
I used to stop searching every now & then as a result of a feeling of frustration.
Since Jan, I have stopped searching as a result of Contentment.  Of having reached.
I love it


Dearest Sal,

I heard about you back in December from a friend. I then looked you up on YouTube, liked what I heard, and bought your book. This all happened just before I embarked on my much anticipated 100 day solo retreat. See, for the last 5 years I've spent all my time and money on this so called 'spiritual journey'. All of my holidays were retreats, my spare moments, meditation, I was obsessed. Then I read your book and absolutely incredibly it finished 'me' and began knowing. It was unbelievable at first. I thought it couldn't be true, it was just too simple and obvious, but this knowing became so self evident that it just couldn't be denied. Every single moment, this knowing, ever fresh, annihilated everything that came before or could come after. Each moment, brand new, appearing and then disappearing. Everything happening was the same, the daily routine, but it was just happening 'on its own' so to speak. Unbelievably without this 'I' everything still continued, naturally. In the beginning I had some questions which I wrote to ask you, but as the retreat continued the answers appeared. I can't ever thank you enough, I just wanted to let you know the impact your book had.

So grateful, beyond grateful!!! Love & light & big hugs. —Michelle


It’s hard, if not impossible, to put into words what meeting you and your teachings have meant to me. After a lifetime of seeking to answer the question of who am I, thanks to you, there was an end to seeking. I’m home.

For most of my 74 years, I have been a seeker. Going from one course and teacher to the next and reading everything I could. The answer was as illusive as ever. I was even involved in setting up a yoga center complete with guru, on a 20-acre farm in the 1970s. I got a masters degree in Conscious Evolution not long ago and went to retreats with so called “awakened” teachers. There was no end to the quest. Getting rid of the ego, marathon meditation sessions, and another course all led to the same place, back to where I started.

That was until I met and worked with you. What seemed unattainable became completely obvious. I now know that I am whole, complete, lacking nothing and free. I am grateful beyond words.


Thanks for everything Sal.

The grounding is here almost like a backdrop of peace and stability but the pull to mind is still playing out. Like you said keep it simple, that is so valuable. It's the ultimate humility watching this mind come to terms with the fact that what is, is. It's such a relief to deeply know the complete inevitability of it all and see that it's totally impersonal, like you said it just breeds compassion for everyone else by seeing the utter choicelessness for myself.

I am wordlessly grateful for you, it fills me with tears any time I think about it.

Love, Erica


Hi Sal,

I just wanted to share my gratitude with you and for you. What you share and in particular the ongoing support and encouragement and acknowledgement, the access to the audios and to a shared community is very special and very generous and beautiful and kind and loving.  I feel very blessed.  The kindest of hearts to stay committed to me and everyone else when we believe our thoughts yet again.  The way you never doubt our knowing of this truth (despite what we are saying) and so we no longer doubt ourselves.  It is the greatest gift.

Without all the audios and this support, I feel like it would have been another retreat I went on and got it and lost it.  And I know you don't have to do this, so I just can't really tell what it means to have had this.  I just wanted you to know I am sooooo grateful, I feel like for sure you can feel the waves of gratitude from my heart to your heart.

Lots of love,


Hi Sal

I hope this finds you well?

I think it's about two years now since I bought Liberation IS and just over 18 months since we had our 1:1. A way of describing what has happened for me in that time is there has been an ongoing process of 'clearing' or 'defogging'. By that I mean I used to go about my daily life completely and totally under the control of my endless thoughts and many neuroses. However, since working with you and becoming increasingly dedicated to truth, it has become more and more clear that what I really am is pure, empty, knowing space - in which thoughts and neuroses can appear, but they no longer define me or have me so strongly in their grip.

When this came to mind today on my walk I felt was such a huge amount of gratitude; not only for the benefit your teaching has had on me 'personally' but also on how I am able to be with others; I think I'm a much more benign person.

Lastly, my partner told me the other day that I walk with a much better posture nowadays... Perhaps you can market yourself as a chiropractor too?!

So thank you, thank you, thank you Sal - I'm eternally grateful.

Love, Sam


Hi Sal,

I want to let you know how helpful it has been for me to work with you. I have no doubt any longer about who I am, and that has had enormous consequences.  I know it's still possible for some difficult circumstance to come up and cause doubts, but I'm not worried about it. 

The subject came up because of a couple of conversations. I was talking with a friend about maybe getting a job. She suggested I do reiki treatments. And I said I wasn't into the spiritual sfuff any more. She was curious why I was no longer interested.  (she has never been interested herself.) I said that I'd started looking into spirituality because I thought there must be more to life than I was aware of. And now I know who I am, and that this it it, here, now. And I'm much more relaxed than I used to be, as a result. 

Then my son was teasing me, saying that I make out that I'm all spiritual, but really I am just a geek, because I'm fascinated with geodesic domes etc. And again I said I wasn't into the spiritual stuff any more. And that knowing that only now is real means that I don't worry about the future any more, and I don't feel bad about the past. It struck me what a huge shift that is for me. I used to spend huge amounts of time regretting the past and feeling terrible. I was afraid of my thoughts. Now when the thoughts come up, I might go along with the story for a minute or two, but very quickly a holiday happens, and I know what's true again. 

This sounds like I'm doing a lot of talking to people about it. But I'm not. Fortunately I don't feel like I have to tell everyone what I know any more! It feels like I can just get on with enjoying life unencumbered by all the ideas I used to have. 

Thanks again Sal,

Love, Hazel.



I felt inspired to share my experiences since being home. I have had an amazing transformation since attending the January Intensive in India—I became devoted to truth and freedom. I’m completely finished with seeking.

I have decided to downsize my life and to live with less. This includes transferring my business to my junior partner by the end of this month. Also, all my relationships have changed dramatically. I am no longer connecting with people through the carousels of mind, and I am enjoying being in the present moment and authentic with them.

cleardot.gifI now know for a fact that I’m not the doer. What will happen will happen, without me having to do anything about it. What a relief!! New opportunities and lots of gifts are coming from everywhere without me having any attachments or desires. It’s just happening!!

The day always surprises me as it comes. Fascinating!! I have so much freedom as a human being instead of a human doing.

Having a holiday, I relax my attention and recognize my true essence, which is peace! Lovely!!

Thank you, Martha


Sal, I never realized before... resistance is a REALLY HEAVY cross to bear.  It is a living crucifixion. Laying that cross down, AT LAST, and knowing only this now is love. I've never known love before, and it's just this now. I am knowing love, at last. Knowing truth is knowing love. Knowing is loving. Tears streaming down my face... there are no words... Freedom really is the end of arguing with what is...

There was something about the interchange you had with S…. on the call yesterday. Her simplicity and  sweetness and humility and gratitude and open heart just made my knees buckle. There was such loving radiance emanating from your face after that interchange. And then K…’s wife shared so beautifully and simply; I just fell on my face. I tell you, by the end of the call, I was basking in the loving radiance emanating from you.

Much love to you, dear Sal,

Forever grateful, Sandra


Hi Sal

I'm done. I was, after reading the first few chapters of your book. It's just been the momentum of the search that has been playing out since then but I know, it's essentially over for "me". Nothing spectacular happened. Just some subtle but tangible shifts of knowing that were like pieces of a jigsaw slotting into place, completing the picture. I have always been this. Whole. Complete. Free. Untouched. Unchanging. Pure. Timeless. Now. This recognition, is embodied more day by day. I don't know how to express my gratitude to you Sal in words. 
All I can say, is a simple "Thank you", borne of the deepest and most sincere gratitude.
Love, Dharm 



Knowing you has been the greatest gift. With all my experiences prior to our meeting, I thought I knew what realization was. But mis-taking experiences for realization, I was missing what this is entirely. You helped me orient and quickly recognize what’s most simple and obvious of all, exactly who I am. Then you introduced me to something that no one else seemed to emphasize so clearly... valuing knowing who I am, and the function of devotion to this. Your emphasis on both wisdom and devotion has completely ended my seeking. No enlightenment to seek to find anymore, there’s just growing devotion to what's true. And gratitude, thank you.

Your friend,



Hello, Sal! I've been feeling alot of gratitude today. What's true shines so bright, so damn bright. It just is, and I'm not doing a damn thing! Doubts can and do come, but what's true is untouched. What this whole doubting nonsense is, is becoming much more obvious to me now. This doubting business has been very big for me, and there's been a lot of good stuff in your first set of group two. Super helpful to me, these files.

The amount of love and gratitude I feel is inexpressible. Thanks for everything. 


Talking about gratitude, I am so thankful for today and for the group and especially for you, Sal, for making it all possible and keeping on message over and over again. It snapped me back to truth, now, and off that relentless merry go round. There is so much heart in what you do, and none of the bullshit, Thank you, thank you, thank you! 


I don't know how to start. These sessions have been absolutely incredible. Oh boy, what a relief! I have no way of ever expressing my gratitude for what you've done. I'm now so content with what I am, what I have and what other people are and what they have.

Since the very first session, I have found myself increasingly incapable of comparison, judgement, hate and jealousy and also incapable of being affected by other people's comparison, judgement, hate and jealousy, which I had begun to think was natural. Awareness of what is, has taken it all away.

Thank you so much my brother.


I don't know how to show my gratitude to you. You showed me something that can never be forgotten or lost and never lost in the first place and showed me the essential nature of me and everyone and everything around.

I see the value and it's freedom more an more. As you said, how you show up in the world and it's happening by itself without trying. There is nothing to seek for upgrading myself or being myself or transcend the self or all the crap that was in my head. It's so good to live without those ideas. I'm so happy to be what I am, I tried so hard to change it and transcend it and it was like hell really. Thank you for your simple and straightforward inquiries. Thank you for your patience and thank you for your love without any conditions towards me.

Thank you so much. thank you for everything.


I wanted to say thank you. I saw your interview on BatGap and purchased your book on Amazon. I'm not even finished it yet (and I will finish it), but I know my seeking of 15 years has come to an end. I have finally seen what has been right in front of me all this time...unbelievable! You are a gift!


Thank you for the group sessions. I'd been chasing my tail wondering how to rest for a long long time, always trying to find something in the next video, book, satsang or teacher and life was on hold, waiting for some special event.

The sessions with you have  gradually brought that daily seeking (which was from morning til night) down to pretty much zero. When I turn youtube on now its to watch Adventure Time!

I remember, after the first meeting, taking down all the junk off my walls accumulated from practicing this and that over the years, and having a good hysterical laugh and cry and the relief! No one to become, nothing to do, Nothing to find in another person, place or thing.

What unending relief that is.

Thank you.

Loads of love.


You are a crazy mofu. You have opened my can of worms and they are loving it!

Spontaneous attention to what is real is destroying all the attachments, within and without (same, same) that once went unnoticed and ignored to sustain a sense of separate self.

There is an immense feeling of solitude in place of all that noise. This is refreshing, and currently not a problem, because the qualities I held as me have little consequence and there is no interest to sustain them. I am not claiming the fan has completely stopped. Within that solitude there is still a sporadic remnant of grasping, a slight breeze that can arise to spin the blades of loneliness. That appearance too is no match for the solitude.

As a former world-class sycophant, what I once was attracted to in people, places and things were projected beliefs which vainly supported "my" sense of self. As the belief in separate self is seen through, the fear of acknowledging and speaking what is true can no longer be found. What is spoken spontaneously arises, and much to the chagrin of others. 

A few group meetings ago I rhetorically uttered, why am I still attending these meetings? As I mentioned above the fan is slowing.

Life goes on, work happens. As they say, I'm still chopping wood and carrying water. All is well.


I am writing to you because I want to thank you for all the help you have given me. I am sorry if at the beginning you had to put up with my beliefs about zen. Now, even if I find it hard to believe, all that seeking has completely lost any sense.

Today the belief in the individual me is losing its solidity and Truth is being revealed naturally. I am very happy and thankful.

Thank you also for your patience and love when transmitting it. I know it is difficult to talk about all this.

I also want to tell you that you can count on me, in anything that I can help you with.

Thank you so much my friend!!


I was doing my going from focus of mind, to being awareness, and it occurred to me, like we discussed last week, that everything is life, and this life I call "me" is just the same as everything. 

Then I got it! I know that I have been told thousands of times that "I am not this body/mind", but the thing that was holding me back was I was still trying to "see" from this body/mind. I could not understand how "I" could be one with everything else. And in that moment, I saw that there was only THIS.  I was THIS. The body/mind was no different than everything else, and I got a look from THIS. This is the first time that I was ever able to see, not connected to this body/mind. I have seen it. Very cool.


Washing over all of it,  there is a kind of still-subtle sense of well-being that is gradually seeping into my moment-to-moment existence, more and more of the time, an implicit Recognition of Who I Am that makes moments like this even more delicious than they ever might have been with my previous tentative, problem-oriented asana, my belief in the dream (despite my intellectual knowing that it was illusory).  Thank you very much, Sal. I am grateful beyond my ability to communicate.  The 63rd year has been the turning point in this particular lifetime.


In my ninety years of an interesting, sometimes very challenging but always full on life, this is the best thing I ever did.
DOLLI - September 2020 Intensive


To spend time with him, to experience the authenticity of his message is what really makes the impact. These aren’t just ideas to Sal. He lives it authentically and being with him, being supported and loved by him is what makes all the difference.
BILL - January 2021Intensive


I am so glad you are not a guru. Hearing your words can't trigger anything but love, joy, happiness, etc. But since you are not a guru, these feelings are not focused. They remain free. And that is incredibly beautiful! I see so clearly now the trap I fell into with Mooji. I am very grateful that you were able to show it to me. This is what I wanted to write to you. Hugs from my morning hike.
STEPHAN - January, 2023 Tiru Iintensive


I stepped up to the chopping block, put my neck on it, invited Sal to chop my head off and he did. What a relief! Sal has excellent aim and his blade is extremely sharp. He can do it for you too, if you're ready! 
NICK - Sept 2022


It is just sheer grace that I was able to find you. Words cannot describe my gratitude. You are simply beautiful!
VINEETH - June 2021 Intensive


I came home to the place I never left. No spiritual keys were necessary because the door had always been open. I say, come on in already.
DOUG - October 2021 Intensive


There is no need to seek anything outside of me anymore. Now there is just freedom to be.
MINNA - October 2021 Intensive


It's just a lot of fun, the most possible pleasure, talking about what cannot be spoken, pointing to it, seeing it with you.  I know for you this is not personal, and at one level it is not personal for me, either. But even when we are very serious, or you are pushing me, the pleasure is a kind of ecstasy. Thank you for that.


Hey Sal. I’m sorry to keep gushing, but the more this way of being deepens, the more incredibly lucky I feel to have encountered them. I don’t think I had experienced a single hour in my life before this that had as much peace and joy that I have almost all day lately. it is so, so good, that I can barely stop crying from delight.

I got in a fight with my ex husband this morning, and the body mind was totally triggered, and responding the way it should, and somehow, I was totally fine. on holiday. relaxed. I’ve never experienced anything as wild as that.


I wanted to share with you the depth of the work with you that I am living now. I had quite a deep realization about "no past" in one of those lightbulb moments when I understood that without past and story there is literally no self and then a growing sense of traveling through daily life in a on-going new unfolding, each moment fresh. As you know these things are hard to put into words, but just to confirm what you say that we continue to grow and evolve with subtlety but really it is more like a complete dissolving over and over again. Again, tough to describe but I trust you know what I mean.

Much love, Christine



Hey Sal

I can’t stop crying....! I am on my knees in gratitude....and relief....even writing this is totally unnecessary and I wanted to say thank you, again.  I have exchanged having a life with being life! Too many words! I am getting  it Sal...and I am totally cracked open.....it doesn’t matter what appears. I know it will seem like it matters again....but it doesn’t and I know and -  I knows I - and I have the keys to the kingdom and I have no way of telling you what this means to me.....but you know.

Grateful, grateful, grateful.



You know last night I didn't even want to go sleep I was enjoying just being alive so much. I woke up this morning, sat on my bed for like an hour, not needing or wanting anything other than what's happening and it's like in every breath, in every sensation this welling up of peace just fills and informs everything. I know that's just experience of peace but I don't care to even discredit it as an "experience" because it's just love. There's so much happiness even in pain.

Some doubts come up because I know I don't know anything additional, not even clear on several of the concepts but I just don't care haha. You've so removed my head!
Sal seriously I'm so amazed I just keep crying because I'm so content.


Waking up is easy
Im not kiddin...it’s true
The hard stuff is pretending
That I’m not who
.....I think I am!
I believed I was a sheep
Cos what else could I do?
But the Baaaaa wasn’t working
And there’s so much grass one can chew!
So my life got smashed
Each carousel
All the doors slammed
I was - so unwell
Tormented, agonised.....this doesn’t fucking work!
In came Sals message
What the fuck? I’m finally going biserk
“This simple message must be wrong!”
“He’s from New Jersey,”....(“ but he does look young!”)
He kept on repeating the same old.....truth!
And the illusion cracked open...
I don’t have any hooves!
i’m a lion, I’m awake!
I’m free like you!
OMG! (Breathe)

No words, no actions could ever repay
The gift of pulling off my “blindfold”
To see the first light of day
Not mad, not “too much”
Not crazy, not wrong
Free, awake, alive, strong
Lions need to live wild and open wide
Free and untameable, alongside their pride
Now I live free
What will be will be...
Forever and increasingly grateful

Your sister lioness



I wanted to write you a few lines before the end of the year. We started the sessions last January and I still find hard to believe what happened. I never thought that someone whom I did not know, who spoke a different language, over the internet and in a few months, would finish my seeking. I still find it incredible. Of course, I did not know that I always was what I was looking for. Thank you so much!!!

I briefly tell you how these months have been. There were (and sometimes are) moments of doubts, of confusion. There are moments of boredom because the zen practice and seeking in general kept me entertained. I don't see much change in thoughts, emotions and behavior in general. That which conditioned me in the past goes on without much change. Just like you, I am totally ordinary! :-)

On the other hand, I practically feel no interest on the "spiritual" search. Sometimes I find it hard to believe, the time and energy I spent on that. Now I am looking for a "hobby" hahaha!!!

Every now and then I listen to some audio, I read the fb posts and, of course, I take holidays. Lola and I communicate every now and then and we talk about how things are going. She is always willing to listen to my queries. Just as I am to you, I am profoundly grateful to her for her help.

Well, I wanted to tell you this. I also wanted to wish you a good end of the year, happy holidays and a good 2015. Big hug. 


For most of my adult life there has been the feeling that something was missing or lacking from. While I have been blessed with a beautiful wife and family, this feeling has been ever present. I did not grow up with a traditional Judeo-Christian religious background and never had a safety net. Being a physician I started looking for answers in books ranging from particle physics to quantum consciousness, however, no answers came, just more questions.

Recently I was introduced to these inquiries. At first I was skeptical and honestly a little afraid of what I might find. However, I soon began to see the tremendous value of what I was recognizing. Before, I was a victim/slave to my thoughts and emotions, cycling through never ending loops of internal dialogue that only created tremendous suffering. Thankfully, I have come to SEE that these thoughts come and go and have no power. The relief of this has been profound in my life.

What I have come to see, for myself, is that I am whole, complete, lacking nothing. I am fine with being here, now. How beautifully simple this is. Removing the false ideas of who I am, I originally thought, would leave me with nothing. Somehow this would make me ambivalent to the people and world around me. Ironically, the nature of who I am, present, intelligently aware has come to the forefront. My interaction with this material world has become so much more meaningful and satisfying. How wonderful it is to see the world through this shift in knowing and now feeling complete and whole.

This shift in knowing who I am has been a real gift. Once it was clearly seen I never have to be reminded again. The results of this have helped me immensely. The thoughts, desires, jealousy that I had before no longer have the same grasp on me as they once had. This is true mental health and that is a gift for both me and the world around me.


Thank you so so much. Thank you for continuing to destroy all my hopes and dreams and nonsense. I value this very much. 

I am very glad you talked about bhakti again. I feel a love of this, who I am, now, as this is all I can know for sure. Thank you for helping me see the stupidity in wanting something more than what is now. Freedom from all the nonsense and creation stories in my mind. Thank you so much for breaking everything apart. 

Thank you for helping me see the simple truth and freedom that it is only who I am here and now, and what is appearing here and now. Very simple, yet profound. Thank you again so much. 

Much much love. 


I'm always aware of myself - even if I think I'm lost in thoughts.

It's one hell of a vantage point.

The word simple is not simple enough! Complication needs time. This is NOT mental!

This is all striking me as very funny right now! :) Seeing this clearly feels like my homeland, where I belong. What I've always known.


I'm just realizing how there is just an empty field that I really am, and not the objects that appear in it and any possibility can appear within it. And it's always been that way. I just felt like I need to communicate that to you. And how true it is to value this above anything. It's the difference between valuing essence over appearance. I'm very grateful. This is the happiest I've ever been in my life. For a long time I was identified with those special experiences, of oneness and all of that stuff. What a trap of specialness that is. I was telling my wife the other day how grateful I am.

Thank you very much, I'm very very grateful.



First and foremost thank you for being aware, and sharing your insights with so many, in such an unselfish manner. I purchased your book a year ago. Nothing read/heard prior had gotten to the quintessential/essence of understanding of who I was; aware. Nothing more. 

Your meetings have reinforced what I know, and allowed me to end the carousel of mind/seeking, Peace is simplicity and freedom in lacking nothing. All I wanted to share was how grateful I am to have read your book and as a bonus take part in you online meetings. You stated that those who attend your retreat do not participate in theses meetings, because they are done, no greater praise, I guess. I shall join in I believe, as I bask in the energy and enjoy the talks, as it appears many do. 

I am grateful to have encountered, you. Much thanks.



Sal, Your posts are so often so timely and pertinent. I lingered over your post, "Freedom Already Is" yesterday to look and see what is true. Yes, yes, yes.

About three nights ago I downloaded a sample of Ramana Maharashi's "Teachings of Self-Realization" perhaps just thinking I would compare my experience with his. Almost immediately the mind decided he had realized something different...and its next task was to figure out how to live in oneness 24/7 or something. Suddenly the now filled with seeking and analyzing and trying to get it once again.

Luckily, within about twelve hours that entire thing dropped naturally away again and it all defaulted to this-here-now. Reading your lines, “You do not get to fulfill all the ideas about 'enlightenment that you have read in books. You don't get any of it. You get no-thing - freedom”, resonates so deeply.

It's been so interesting for the last three weeks or so. Many of the cravings and inner emotional storms have completely disappeared. And those that remain are not a big deal. The mind worries a bit that all the turmoil will return, but truly, it's just becoming clearer to simply look around when that happens and see the truth.

It's interesting to see where life moves next...no clue at all, and then it moves.

Anyway, hopefully the Universe will keep channeling these gems through you. Until they don't--or until it decides to unsubscribe because it's no longer necessary or pertinent.  Ha ha!

Fondly,  Kathy


Hi Sal,

So totally grateful for this work... it's like finally finding a home, after looking all these years...

even though there's no home to be found...lots of freedom

Huge relief.

Beyond words of gratitude, Marie


Hi Sal,

Just want to say I’m so very grateful for what you have set up. The book, our calls, the group calls, the past recordings. You said that the group calls are where it really happens and I am beginning to see it now.

I have little to no interest in checking out other non-dual talks anymore. Even people that I really enjoyed & who visit once a year, I find myself passing on without second thoughts. It so nice to not be digging shallow holes, jumping from one teaching to another, stuck hoping the next sentence or next word might deliver the decapitating blow.

Also the holiday I’m noticing more clearly now and valuing it. It was in one of your past recordings that you were talking about holidays and it sounded to me like something of an acid test: “Is there story? Is there a past? Is there a self?”

Recognizing that there are none of these, and the relief that is felt in their nonexistence, really makes obvious the value of holiday.

So much thanks for all you are doing.

Best, George



Hi Sal,

Somehow I don´t have an attraction to participating in the groups recently. Life is great, challenging and normal. (Now I see why you said, you´re not a good businessman… it works too well. You should think about making people dependent on you.;)) Right now I´m not even interested in dealing with that topic.

I want to thank you again for sharing what you found to be true and the truthful and clear support you gave me.

I wish you all the best from my heart.

With deep gratitude


Thank you so much for having done all this work with me (and the others) and for helping me know who I am.

Lots of love and gratitude always.


Thank you for everything. What a relief to be done with spiritual seeking – I have found what I have been seeking all these years.  Thank you so much.

Nils and Lone

We have appreciated so much working with you and also with the beautiful people in the part 2 group. We cannot express in words how grateful we are for meeting you Sal. Both of us have been seekers for so many years, now that is over. No more seeking - what a relief - it cannot be explained. At first, it was unbelievable that it could be so simple and ordinary, what a joke when looking at the amount of spiritual luggage that we carried. You helped us to see what is real - the work you are doing is outstanding. Sal, we love you and thank you forever for making this possible.


After many years of “self-inquiry” and many sessions of assistance from others, the pointers you provide are the best.  I have even led retreats where participants contemplate “Who am I?” and with all the training I have had and all the “spiritual experiences” I have had, your guidance brought “me” home. Home to where I have always been, and now realize I can never leave.

So after all this time, (since the early 90’s) I no longer desire “experiences” but have learned to rest as THIS which is inescapable.  Liberation is not just an idea or an experience among other experiences; it is our natural condition ALREADY!

Thank you, with all my Heart.


Now that we have essentially completed the Part Two meetings, I want you to know how extremely grateful I am that we met and worked together.  I honestly never believed that in this lifetime I would come to see the truth and know who I am; and with that cause my life to change so profoundly.  I am eternally grateful for your skill and clarity in being able to point so effectively.

I am also so appreciative of your time and patience!


After 40 years of searching for Liberation - always a someday 'future' happening - I have found it in the 'now'. It has always been here, my true state of being. Who I am, without the incessant stream of thought I unconsciously and habitually identified with, almost every moment of everyday - all the unrelenting stories in my head, of past and future scenarios, composed of dread and fear, all my own creation.

Sal, thank you for what you have given, transferred to me. You are a great and loving and (patient) fun teacher, who is blessed with the gift to translate and convey Liberation into what it simply is - our natural state of being - without all the baggage. And it has all transpired in the course of a couple of months. I've encountered many teachings along the path - and have learned and grown from all - but now I know truth. I am free. And so grateful to you.

You will always be with me  - in my heart and spirit.  

Love and light.


I'd spent years floating, getting nowhere. The past two months with you have been like finding the secret passage in a video game! (Can you tell I have teenage boys?) It wasn't that I needed to seek harder, or be a better meditator, or spend more time on retreat -- this is a completely different paradigm. Not going from "here" to "there" but rather waking up to the absence of movement, to finding what was always true and always actually known.

Thank you, Sal. I can barely type that without crying....the gratitude is deep beyond belief.


I'd love to say that after doing the inquiries with Sal my life has radically changed and that now it's perfect, that my mind is calm and that everything is tranquility. However, it's not like that, everything is still the same. My mind is still reproducing information, generating histories, questioning, thoughts come and go. Emotions also appear and disappear without sense or control. "Bad" things keep happening so it would seem basically there is no change, but now I KNOW who I AM and that's all I need to know.

Thank you Sal for helping me "see" what has always been present.

Gracias, gracias, gracias

In love and gratitude


I am so grateful to have met you, Sal. Thank you for showing me the futility in wanting something similar to the experiences I had. Thank you for showing the pointlessness in all these cravings. There is nothing left but this. Thank you for making it so clear. Your way of teaching with kindness, efficiency, precision and humor is exceptional. I am really blown away. It really ends here. Thank you for pointing so clear and so direct. You are the best. It's hard to express how much gratitude I have for you. 


This work is the real deal! I’ve not come across anything like it, and it’s so fast and direct. Thank you, I feel such gratitude to be working with you!


All things pass but the truth of now always abides. Thank you Sal for everything, its been a pleasure. Peace and love my brother.


You are a master teacher - I have no idea how you have lead me to such a different view so quickly.


As I continue to work with you, the humour of this life is becoming more and more evident.  I love that I am now just as I had always hoped to become.  All the refinement I have been doing over the years was my strong wish to be as I truly am.  Isn’t that interesting?  That even when we are lost in misidentification with the body-mind, we still have an underlying knowing of who we truly are and those of us on a path to self-improvement, naturally make our goal the way we would be if we knew who we were.  I guess the fact that trying to bend the body-mind into alignment with how a liberated mind would function causes such suffering that we undertake the kind of searching journey you did, only to find that the answer lay elsewhere – such a twist in the tale!

You have no idea how grateful I am that you knew how to lead me to clarity – and you do that in such a direct way Sal.  The utter confidence and non-compromising stance you have is critical I feel.  I had to step right out of any zone I had ever known (beyond anything one could consider a “comfort zone) and I could only do that because you were rock solid in this.


Right here and now, knowing who I am, it is everything and nothing at the same time – not something this mind can even start to fathom.

I am so grateful for what your pointing is allowing me to know.


Just needed to tell you this.  I got serious!   Just doing my Holiday, but knew that I needed to get serious, as  you say, and I got it!  The hardest thing for me was seeing that "all of this" was not outside of This.  How freaking simple. I can't believe how freaking simple.  This "outside reality" is just like a thought! Nothing more. The only thing that Is unchanging is This!  Seeing it, I can't believe it took so much intensity. There is no outside, and no inside. only This. All of this so called "outside" is as much as a thought.  

Ok Sal, so far, this is what is.  A few weeks ago, when I first experienced this knowing, it was about 5 to 8 seconds, as much as time counted. In that I saw that this awareness "me" was always, and is always, it was like "everything"  was a part of me. 

I just could not call it back, and knew that I should just let it go, and do the program, so to speak.  When I took a holiday, I know that I am more than this body, but still could not "see" that everything out there was within me, like I did on my first seeing.  Today was just that the parts fell together, and I Know that there is no outside and no inside, and more importantly, this is not going away.  I know it from now on (maybe a different level???), so this knowing is all that does not change. The rest are just thoughts that change.  

Don't know how all of this is suppose to unfold. This is very cool. You have helped me so much, Not with any complicated teaching, but just some very important words at the right time. thanks again.


When you were speaking yesterday about valuing what is True as the true Bhakti, it just kind of came together for me, recognizing the depth of that old saying that spending time in the Company of those who speak the Truth is the very best thing one can do.  Of course it's paradoxical because there is no other to spend time with. But that maybe is the Beauty of this Maya -- that in this illusion we can find ourselves seeming to speak with other selves who also and simultaneously see the Truth. Thank you so much for that.  It's just the greatest pleasure.


Salvadore's intensive is life changing and with much clarity he points to Truth in a very direct and often humorous way.
SUSAN - January 2021 Intensive


Sal's work is radical and profound. Your endless seeking will truly end here, IF you are ready.
NICK - September 2020 Intensive



How could I ever thank this man because what he has showed me has no price.
PABLO - September 2020 Intensive


The intensive with Sal is the most important thing I did in my whole life.
RAVINA - September 2020 Intensive