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Sat Chit

You do not exist in time.
You exist now.

Sat Chit,
Being Knowing.

Believing in time is believing in self. 
Knowing there is no time,
is knowing who you are, free of self.

Abiding in no time,
is abiding as your essential being.
It is being who you are, knowingly—
Sat Chit.

What do you want?
A myth?
Or truth, freedom, peace?

Who cares if there were so-called events in a so-called past?
Where are they now?
They are not, clearly!
So, why admit them into now?
Why let them disturb the peace of now?
The peace of your essential being.

The one who cares about past and future, 
with all of its myths,
is self/ego,
a thought, a non-existent “me.” 

The only you, Sat Chit,
has no interest in,
or need for,
 or places any meaning on
any of those myths.  
That one is the only existence.

The only reality.

Know who you are,
in no time, now.

Sat Chit Ananda,
Being Knowing Peace.

Be who you are.


© Photograph by Dev Gogoi. Used with permission

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