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No Control No Controller
This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on August 19, 2017, where Sal addresses the reality of uncomfortable emotions and situations.
The Power of Attention - Food For Suffering
Here Sal addresses an inquirer's question about painful feelings and their nature. Believing in thoughts and placing value on what they are saying, causes the normal contracted state of the human condition and is the cause of most of our suffering. But are thoughts actually meaningful? Are they even true? Is there a way to live free of thoughts? Attending to you own natural condition of freedom, instead of thoughts, is the means of freedom.
Thoughts Flowing Like a River With No Dam
Here Sal addresses an inquirer's concern that she thinks too much. But, do we need to value thoughts so much? Are they even our thoughts? What if we do nothing with thoughts and see them as a river flowing by, paying little attention to them? Attending to and valuing thoughts gives them the power to completely limit our view and cause us to suffer.
Dealing with Fear and Anxiety About the Future
Here Sal talks to an inquirer about fear and anxiety about the future. But is there is a future? Or do we know what the future will bring? Can we actually control what will come? And if not, does worrying and fearing it do any good, or does it only make us suffer, for no good reason?
What is - Before, During and After Conditioned Mind
This is an excerpt from a weekly group meeting on August 12, 2017, where Sal explains that whatever is coming and going in the mind is based on conditioning and there is no doer of it. A holiday shows that you are prior to all that conditioning.
Culture and Religion are Ignorance
This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on August 6, 2017, where Sal points out that culture and religion equal ignorance and that is what is being poured into peoples' minds throughout their entire lives. With a shift of knowing, you see that all of that is a myth, and the only truth is now.
Is Self-Inquiry Work Spiritual Bypassing?
This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on August 6, 2017, where Sal answers an inquirer's question about whether having holidays can be considered spiritual bypassing and talks about the fact that this work is not for everyone.
What About The Soul? The Answer is a Lie
This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on August 19, 2017, where Sal addresses an inquirer's question regarding the existence of the soul.
What Now? No Motivation Anymore.
This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on August 6, 2017, where Sal talks about the creative impulse and the idea that we have to be "doing" something with our lives.
Nature of Awakening: Freedom From Suffering
Excerpt from a weekly group call on July 22, 2017, where Sal answers an inquirer's question about what can be expected from engaging with this work and the results of awakening. (This is mostly audio because the first 8 minutes of video were corrupted.)
What is a Holiday?
This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on August 6, 2017, where Sal explains the nature of a holiday and that our essential nature is the knowing of all experiences.
Belief in Separation Causes Suffering
This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on August 6, 2017, where Sal talks about the prevailing belief that who we are is this separate bodymind organism.
The Seeker Doesn’t Get What it Wants. The Seeker Ends.
Excerpt from a weekly group meeting on July 22, 2017, where Sal guides you to a recognition of what it is to have nothing, to know nothing and to be no one. Simply to be, as you are, with no description or identification, here and now.
In a Holiday, Your World is Gone.
In this excerpt from a weekly group meeting, Sal directs inquirers to recognize that on a holiday, they consciously know that they exist, here and now, and to see how this simple knowing of who I am is a big deal.
Is it Right to Say, "I am Consciousness?"
This is an excerpt from a weekly group meeting on July 22, 2017, where Sal talks with an inquirer about labeling ourselves as consciousness or awareness. He points out that we are not a "thing," we are aware, knowing.