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An intimate account of a spiritual seeker, The Audacity of Freedom takes the reader on an amazing journey from Sal’s early childhood of being turned away from God, his ensuing life as a rock musician and through all of his travels to India and elsewhere, meeting and living with genuine masters, having mystical experiences and revelations and finally to the simple recognition of that which has always been here, freedom.

At the age of thirty-nine, Salvadore Poe was thrust to his knees in a desperate plea for help. This moment came after years as a rock ’n roll musician and excessive drug use. In this moment of complete surrender, his life changed completely and he was cast one-pointedly and earnestly on the spiritual path, driven by a burning question, “What is liberation?”

To find an answer to his question, Sal sought out teachers and masters in USA, Europe and India, read every book he could get his hands on, meditated for countless hours, lived with two Indian gurus and had numerous mystical experiences until he was finally ready to hear a very simple message. With this message, his path was finished.

In The Audacity of Freedom you will not only read about these experiences, but will come to know what was revealed by them and hear the clear message of freedom within them. That message is—freedom is for you. HAVE IT!

This book can help you along your own path of discovery. Compelling, exciting and revelatory, you will not be able to put this book down.

“So much joy, truth, light, depth, wonder, adventure, love and perspective. A story like Sal’s is an inspiration and a gift for anyone who is seeking on the spiritual path. Had I read The Audacity of Freedom a few decades ago it surely would have quickened my step.”

—William Yenner, author of American Guru, A Story of Love, Betrayal and Healing

“Sal’s memoir is a spiritual adventure story with a profound message. I found it quite engaging and also helpful in further illuminating and dispelling some of my own lingering tendencies to fall into the mental molasses of doubt. I highly recommend it.”

—Joan Tollifson, author of Nothing to Grasp and Death: The End of Self-Improvement.

“I have always found spiritual autobiographies fascinating. This is one of the best and most inspiring I’ve read.”

—Michael Hall, PhD, author of Awake and Alive: Being What You Already Are

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