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I AM Permeates Form

This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on August 26, 2018, where Sal answers an inquirer's question about knowing and form, and shows that who you are is the knowing, which knows and permeates all that appears.

You Have No History

This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on August 12, 2018, where Sal leads inquirers on a holiday so they can recognize that they are here, now (the I Am), with no history and no stories of past or future.

Digging for Gold

This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on August 12, 2018, where Sal explains the importance of finding one teaching that you resonate with and sticking to that alone.

Nothing Ever Happened

This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on August 12, 2018, where Sal helps you come to see for yourself that there is no past, and if there is no past, then nothing has ever happened, including all of the things you regret. Knowing this is freedom.

What Does it Mean to be Devoted to Truth?

This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on August 12, 2018, where Sal speaks with an inquirer about what true devotion is and the importance of being devoted to truth to resolve all doubts and liberate the mind.

The Peace and Beauty of Freedom

Here Sal guides inquirers to recognize that they exist as no-thing and to see that if they want freedom, it is always here. And inherent in this knowing of freedom, is peace and ease of being.

To Have Nothing, Know Nothing and be Nothing

This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on May 6, 2018, where Sal explores what is true, now - I am. That means that you have nothing, know nothing and are no one. While that may sound undesirable, it is the essence of liberation, and in that freedom, everything is included.

Sat Chit Ananda

During this excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting, Sal reads a holiday from his new book, The Way of Freedom, called Sat Chit Ananda (being, knowing itself, as peace). This is who you are.

What a Holiday Is

Sal reads a holiday from his book, The Way of Freedom. It is a guided recognition of your essential being of freedom. In this Holiday, you can come to know for yourself that you are free.

Devotion to Truth

This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on March 25, 2018, where Sal discussions devotion to truth and the value of it.

Being, Knowing and You are One

This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on March 25, 2018, where Sal addresses an inquirer's question about how to pay attention to something that has no qualities.

Truth is Only This, Now

This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on September 17, 2017, where Sal has inquirers look at the fact that truth is only now, and that nothing has ever happened. He then answers a question about how, if that is true, to deal with issues caused by trauma.

Know Thyself

Here, Sal leads inquirers on a holiday so they can recognize their essential nature - aware, knowing, now. Objects come and go continuously, and yet, You remain unchanged. In this shift of knowing, you will come to know peace and freedom, because that is who you are. Know Thyself is the only means of knowing this.

The End of Your Story

This is an excerpt from a Zoom Open Meeting on August 20, 2017, where Sal leads inquirers on a holiday so they can see that there is no truth to their past stories. Freedom is just about being honest, now.

Wanting Nothing

Excerpt from a Zoom Online Open Meeting on August 19, 2017.